Photo: City of Winona
The Winona Human Rights Commission has named the winners of their annual essay contest for area students in grades 9 through 12. The contestants wrote an essay based on one of four topics designated by the commission.
The following is the list of winners and their topics:
· 1st Place: Madison Gorka, Junior, Cotter High School, “Individual freedom versus public responsibility; which is more important and why?”
· 2nd Place: Mary Moore, Junior, Cotter High School; “Is it possible to discriminate against a group or a person and not realize it? What is the best way to handle that situation?”
· 3rd Place: Hannah Casselman, Junior, Cotter High School; “Is it possible to discriminate against a group or a person and not realize it? What is the best way to handle that situation?”
The essay contest winners will each be awarded a Visa gift card and a certificate.
(Winona Human Rights Commission)