
City Council Signs off on Mankato Ave. Roundabout Aesthetics

By TJ Aug 4, 2021 | 11:23 AM

Photo: Google Maps

WINONA, Minn. (KWNO)-The design of a major Winona construction project is coming together before it gets underway next year.  

On Monday, the city council approved an aesthetic design package for the Mankato Avenue Roundabouts. The package includes trees along the boulevards and boulders in the median. 

The city’s cost for the aesthetics package is estimated at $214,420, according to the council meeting agenda.  

“This is probably the most cost-efficient to the city also with the selections that we chose,” said At-Large Councilman Aaron Repinski. “If people were to look at it in detail, they’ll see that this is the least expensive route.”  

The city has already applied roughly $200,000 for the project’s cost and is able to take from its $50,000 state aid account, according to the agenda. While discussing the project, City Manager Steve Sarvi reminded the community to not forget about business along Mankato Ave. during the construction. 

“Make sure that you’re supporting the business that’s super critical to them. Not only coming out of the pandemic but during this major construction project. Find your way back there but try to avoid the area,” said Sarvi.  

The Mankato Ave. Reconstruction Project is set to begin in March of 2022.  


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