(KWNO)- Winona Police responded to a domestic violence call on September 25th at 8:56 p.m. on the 700 block of E 9th street.
Police arrested Christopher Marcum, 34 of Winona, on two counts of domestic assault with one being assault by strangulation, which is a felony.
Authorities say that Marcum beat and strangled the victim. At one point Marcum straddled the victim on a bed and began strangling the victim to the point where the victim was unable to breathe.
Marcum also threatened to kill the victim multiple times.
The victim was able to exit the premise where Marcum was and went to a friend’s house to report the attack to the police.
Upon arrival at Marcum’s residence by police, Marcum denied any assault taking place. Officers said that when they spoke to the victim, marks on her neck aligned with the victim’s story of Marcum Strangling her.
Marcum was arrested on domestic assault with the intention to physically harm, a misdemeanor, and domestic assault by strangulation, a felony.