
WSHS Alumni Establish Scholarship at Foundation

By TJ Dec 11, 2021 | 12:24 PM

Photo: Patricia (Murphy) Jilk and F. Craig Jilk

Patricia (Murphy) Jilk (WSHS ‘58) and F. Craig Jilk (WSHS ‘57) will make the future bright for WSHS seniors interested in pursuing the field of education at Winona State University by establishing a scholarship fund at the Foundation for Winona Area Public Schools.
The $250,000 Jilk scholarship is for WSHS seniors who have a financial need and an interest in attending Winona State University in the field of education. Beginning with the WSHS Class of 2022, Craig and Patricia Jilk will be awarding up to four $5000 scholarships each year through the Foundation to deserving Winhawks.
Visit www.foundationwaps.org or call Shelley Milek at (507) 494-1004 to learn more about all the many ways donors are enriching and expanding learning opportunities for Winhawks.  The Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization.
(Foundation for WAPS)


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