
Fillmore County Sheriff will address Amish buggy crash that killed two children

By Jason Melillo Feb 8, 2024 | 9:13 AM

(KWNO)-Fillmore County Sheriff John DeGeorge will hold a press conference today to address the Amish buggy crash last September that killed two children. According to a criminal complaint twin sisters Sarah and Samantha Peterson were both in a car that was traveling as fast 71 miles per hour on Fillmore County Road 1 when it rear-ended the buggy. The speed limit on that stretch or road is 55 miles per hour. Police believe Samantha was driving and after the crash, Sarah and Samantha switched places and changed clothes in order to have Sarah take the blame. 7-year-old Wilma Miller and 11-year-old Irma Miller were killed in the crash. A nine and a 13-year-old were also injured in the crash but have since recovered. Both Peterson sisters face multiple charges in the crash.


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