(KWNO)-A Winona Middle School student allegedly brought a knife on his school bus and said he was going to use it to kill another student. According to Winona Police the 10-year-old boy had a small folding knife with a two-to-three-inch blade. On the way to school on Thursday morning he showed the knife to other kids. When the bus arrived at WMS students told school staff about the knife and the boy was intercepted before entering the school building and the knife was confiscated. The boy attempted to hit, kick and bite law enforcement officers when they arrived at the school.
The student was eventually taken home by his parents but a subsequent call to police reported that he ran away. Officers found the boy near Highway 14-61 and he was taken to Winona Health and then transported to a Washington County juvenile detention center. A Winona Police Department spokesperson said an incident between the two boys last spring might’ve been what led to the boy wielding the knife and making threats.