(KWNO)-An airplane made an emergency landing at Winona airport late Wednesday. The Piper Arrow plane was traveling from Appleton, WI to Mankato. According to George Bolon with Win Air, the plane experienced a loss of power in flight and landed at Winona Airport around 11:30 p.m. Wednesday night. Three people, including the pilot were on board and no one was injured. The plane couldn’t taxi off the runway so workers at the airport helped move it into a hangar. As of Thursday afternoon the plane was still at the Winona airport awaiting repairs.
Police group sues state over release of undercover officers' names
In August, the Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training sent independent journalist Tony Webster police licensing information in response to his data request, but failed to remove the names of officers who work undercover.
2h ago
Now 20 years in, The Current is still creating and redefining radio
Over a two-decade history, The Current has impacted culture in Minnesota and beyond with a dialed-in mix of familiar and new.
3h ago
Trump order halting refugee resettlement disrupting Minnesota agencies efforts
Officials with refugee resettlement agencies in Minnesota say Trump’s executive order halting the Refugee Admissions Program is disrupting efforts to bring people facing strife in their home countries to the U.S. and to the state.
4h ago
House Republicans seek to roll back DFL taxes, fees tied to transportation programs
Minnesota House Republicans are seeking to roll back taxes and fees approved when Democrats had full control of state government. A delivery fee and automatic increases to the gas taxes are on the GOP chopping block.
4h ago