
Winona nursing homes get state funding

By Jason Melillo Aug 3, 2023 | 10:30 AM

(KWNO)-Winona nursing homes are benefiting from State’s $173 million in new funding. The money is part of a bipartisan agreement aiming to stabilize a sector of the economy that is facing financial hardship. Representative Gene Pelowski (DFL-Winona) pushed for the funding during the last legislative session.

“Nursing homes have been hit hard these last several years, and there was a great need at the Legislature this year to provide the support residents and workers required,” said Rep. Pelowski.

Sauer Health Care is one of three nursing homes in Winona receiving state funds

Winona nursing homes will receive a total of $919, 894:

  • Sauer Health Care $255,086
  • Lake Winona Manor $333,408
  • Saint Anne Extended Health Care $331,400.

The facilities will receive the same amount of money in August 2024.


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