
Ghost guns found in Winona

By Jason Melillo Jul 11, 2023 | 12:44 PM

(KWNO)-A series of calls on Monday led Winona police to a stolen vehicle and two ghost guns. Around 4:30 p.m. a man reported his car stolen near East End Boat Harbor. He told police he left the keys in the car to walk his dog and when he came back the vehicle was gone. Two hours later police were called to the 500 block of Center Street for a report of suspicious activity in an alley.

When police arrived, several male juveniles were observed near a black car that turned out to be the vehicle that was reported stolen. As many as seven people were seen near the vehicle and police detained two of them. Two homemade plastic handguns, known as ghost guns, were recovered nearby.

Winona Police Chief Tom Williams says these are first ghost guns found in the city. “They don’t have serial numbers so they’re untraceable,” said Williams. Ghost guns can be made with kits purchased on the internet and they’re becoming more common. A ghost gun was recently used in a mass shooting in Philadelphia that killed five people.

The two boys were released to their parents. The investigation is ongoing and charges are expected.


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