
Winona Steamboat Days Hosting ‘Sip and Celebrate’ on May 6

By Jake Litman Apr 24, 2023 | 11:41 AM

(KWNO)- The Winona Steamboat Days Harbormasters will host ‘Sip and Celebrate’ May 6, from 7-9:00 p.m. at the Winona American Legion.

The event will consist of wine and beer tasting with a live and silent auction. Tickets for the event are $25 and can be purchased at the Hy-Vee Service Counter or La Boutique downtown Winona.

A portion of the proceeds from the event will benefit the Winona Area Humane Society and Winona Steamboat Days free events.

Filled with a variety of certificates to local restaurants, entertainment, family fun, wine, garden tools and more, the Silent Auction will have 30 gift baskets valued at $50 or more. Some feature items for the auction include a Spiderman Kid Ride-On GT Coupe donated by Dave Jensen Farmers Insurance, painted Voyageur Heritage Canoe Paddles donated by Sanborn Canoe, an Outdoor Mizz Table donated by Anova with a retail value of $2500, a handmade oak side table from Al Mulyck and a Twins Logoed bat from Pill Box.

Go to winonasteamboatdays.com to sign up for updates for the Sip and Celebrate event as well as all other events for the 76th annual Winona Steamboat Days.


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