
Winona Business Owner, Amy Jo Marks, Wins Statewide Customer Service Award

By Jake Litman Mar 5, 2023 | 11:00 AM

(KWNO)- Explore Minnesota Tourism presented its statewide Customer Service Award to Winona’s own, Amy Jo Marks at its annual conference in Bloomington, Minn. on Feb. 28.

Amy Jo Marks was present to accept the award. Marks owns Blooming Grounds Coffee House, Blooming Grounds Express and the newly opened Muddled Thyme.

The Customer Service Award is “presented to an individual who is on the front lines of the tourism and hospitality industry, who provides outstanding service to, and communication with, the traveling public,” says a Visit Winona Press Release.

“I was surprised and delighted to receive the award and the recognition,” said Amy Jo Marks. “I love people and I love serving them within our community.”


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