
The 2022 John A. Latsch Award Winner Announced

By Jake Litman Jan 12, 2023 | 10:35 AM

Photo: City of Winona

(KWNO)- The Winona human Rights Commission announced the winner of the John A. Latsch Award for 2022 yesterday in a press release.

The Winner is, Kathy Sublett, founder of Erase the Stigma.

Sublett founded Erase the Stigma (ETS) in order to help individuals with a criminal history, chemical dependency, bad credit and or negative medical diagnosis to move past the shame and to live a life of integrity and dignity. Led by a motto of ‘if you make a mistake, fix it and move on.”

According to the release, over the past year Sublett and ETS have held many expungement clinics in the Winona Community. These clinics provide education and resources, as well as assisting individuals in filing for and obtaining expungements of eligible criminal convictions.

In addition to the clinics, ETS have held financial literacy courses for free in the Winona community to educate Winonans about budgeting.

The Winona Human Rights commission says that Sublett’s commitment to Winona and human rights are evident in her actions and labor toward racial and economic justice. She offers critical lived experience in creating a better community for us all.


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