Winona City Council meeting on 11-15-21
WINONA, Minn. (KWNO)-Winonans will have a chance to officially share their views on a possible public safety and community center with the city council in early July.
The council unanimously approved setting up a hearing on the issue during the July 5 council meeting. Councilwoman Eileen Moeller raised concerns on having the public comment session a day after Independence Day.
“I’m concerned that because it falls right on a holiday weekend that we may miss a large swath of the population,” Moeller said.
Moeller proposed an amendment to push the first public hearing back to the July 18 council meeting. At-Large Councilmember Michelle Alexander responded that residents have waited to officially address the council on the proposal.
“I want to be sensitive to the people that have asked to speak with us for months,” Alexander said. “The only reason I think the 5th was presented this way is because we were trying to address that need of the public as quickly as possible.”
City Manager Chad Ubl said last month the council directed staff to set up multiple in-person public comment sessions. He also reminded council members that the proposal hinges on the city being able to acquire the St. Stan’s school across the street from the current East End Rec Center.
Ubl says talks with the parish for the city to purchase the building could begin as soon as the end of the month.
The proposed plan would merge the East End Rec. Center with the Friendship Center in the St. Stans school, while a joint police/fire station would take the place of the East End Rec Center.
The council also approved an online feedback option which is set to launch no later than June 17.