ST. PAUL (KWNO)-Senate Majority Leader Jeremy Miller, Gov. Tim Walz and House Speaker Melissa Hortman reached a compromise on dividing out Minnesota’s budget surplus earlier this week.
Miller says the deal calls for $4 billion in tax cuts, $4 billion in new spending and $4 billion for the state’s reserves.
“You had Democrats who wanted to spend more. You have Republicans who wanted to provide tax relief and ultimately we ended up sort of with a balanced deal that provides tax relief, dose some targeted spending in critical areas,” Miller said during an interview on KWNO’s In the Know Thursday.
Miller called the new spending in the deal targeted. He says some of the items in line to get funding are public safety, education, long-term and disability care and road and bridge projects.
The framework was sent to conference committees where lawmakers are charged with ironing out details and preparing bills for floor votes.
The legislature is set to adjourn at midnight on Monday, May 23.