
Sen. Miller, Rep. Pelowski Discuss Ways to Recruit More People into Law Enforcement

By TJ Feb 1, 2022 | 11:15 AM

WINONA, Minn. (KWNO)-State lawmakers have begun the work of trying to slow Minnesota’s violent crime wave.  

More funding geared towards bolstering people in the law enforcement field could be part of the solution.  

“I’m drafting a bill that will provide free tuition for law enforcement and for our emergency folks in order to ensure we will have people once again wanting to commit to law enforcement and to any type of emergency service,” Winona DFL Rep. Gene Pelowski said.  

Sen. Majority Leader Jeremy Miller tells KWNO Senate Republicans plan calls for easing potential financial barriers into law enforcement. 

“We’re going to focus on college scholarships for high school students and others who would like to pursue law enforcement as a profession,” Miller said.  

Miller says Senate Republicans plan also calls for funding bonuses for current officers. The GOP plan also calls for stricter penalties for violent offenders.  

DFL leaders plan allocates funding for programs they say will prevent crime from happening.  


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