
WCEM Shares Emergency Preparedness Tips

By TJ Sep 24, 2021 | 10:27 AM

Winona County Emergency Management Coordinator Ben Klinger testifies to the Senate Health and Human Services Committee via Zoom in the winter of 2021

(KWNO)-September is Emergency Preparedness Month.  

Winona County Emergency Management Coordinator Ben Klinger says families and organizations should use the month to set their emergency plans in place and make sure they have all of the supplies readily available in the event of a fire, tornado, flood, or any other type of disaster.  

Klinger shared some common components that should be a part of every plan during an interview on KWNO’s In the Know Friday. 

“Have a way to communicate with your family, have a designated place to meet in case of different emergencies, and have several ways to get emergency alerts,” said Klinger.  

Klinger said to have multiple ways of getting information.  

Klinger said one emergency that isn’t always thought of is a hazardous material spill that could potentially prompt evacuations. He points out that hazardous materials moved through the county by rail, river, and road.  

“Have a go-kit ready with medications and different things you need,” Klinger said. “The gold standard is 72 hours. If you can be prepared for 72 hours and then we can start getting you things you need if you can’t get back to your home in that time.”  

Listen to the full interview with Klinger below.


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