Sierra Kreidermacher was recognized as the Winona 4-H Youth Representative for the month of August. She is the daughter of Jason and Tammy Kreidermacher, a member of the Altura Sky Rockets 4- H Club and a senior at Lewiston-Altura High School.
Sierra has served as the President, Vice President and Secretary of her 4-H Club while in 4-H and exhibited a wide variety of projects including: market beef, market lambs, breeding ewes, performing arts as well as other static projects. Market beef steers are her favorite 4-H project. Sierra said “ It is a satisfying accomplishment to be able to train and bond with such a large animal. Getting reserve champion with my beef steer was my greatest accomplishment in 4-H because it was raised on our family farm.” Sierra’s favorite 4-H memory was bringing her breeding ewe to the MN State Fair and experiencing new things. “I’ve learned to be a leader and mentor for young kids, what work ethic means and how it pays off and how to run meetings by holding a club 4-H officer position.” Sierra has also participated in community service events including Adopt-A-Highway ditch clean-up and serving meals at the Crossings Center just to name a few.
Winona Sunrisers Kiwanis Club honors one outstanding Winona County 4-H member during its breakfast meeting the fourth Wednesday of each month. The club meets on a weekly basis every Wednesday at 7 a.m. at the Winona Family Restaurant in Winona.