WINONA, Minn. (KWNO)-The Winona Area Public Schools Board approved its masking policy on a 6-1 vote for the upcoming school year.
The policy will require masking inside of WAPS buildings for everyone regardless of vaccination status except for children under the age of two and people with breathing disabilities when the COVID-19 spread is substantial or high based on CDC metrics.
Masks would be recommended if the spread is considered low or moderate. Winona County is currently exercising a high rate of transmission, according to the CDC.
“This disease spreads outward and masks are what keep it from spreading from person to person to person. I hope we recognize that,” board member Karl Sonneman said. “I hope we start taking the measures to keep this from spreading any further. It’s out of control in Winona County right now.”
Board member Steve Schild offered an amendment, which failed on a 4-3 vote, to require universal masking until the board decides otherwise. He focused on athletics where he said there was a failure to enforce masking rules last year and feels the school board is responsible to step up to ensure the safety of its students.
“So then what do we do? What’s the best thing? Do we just say oh well it’s their call so we will let the game go on and let people then be subjected to something that is hazardous? And that’s what happened,” Schild said.
The board heard from three parents prior to discussing the policy. One parent was for masking and two were against the district requiring face coverings.
The 2021-22 school year begins on Sept. 7.