
Winona Health Announces Changes to COVID-19 Vaccination Process

By TJ Jun 8, 2021 | 12:23 PM

Residents wait in line to get their first COVID-19 vaccination. Photo: Winona Health

Beginning Wednesday, June 9, COVID-19 vaccinations will be available on a walk-in basis throughout Winona Health, 855 Mankato Avenue in Winona.


This means anyone can simply walk in wherever they receive care at Winona Health and ask for the COVID-19 vaccine. This includes Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, Pediatrics, Woman’s Health, Winona Clinic Pharmacy, Urgent Care, or the Emergency Department. Patients can also request the COVID-19 vaccine during a regularly scheduled appointment.


“We are making it as easy as we possibly can for people to get vaccinated,” said Molly Jensen, RN, director of several specialty care services, who has been on the team planning and coordinating the vaccination clinics at Winona Health. “If and when patients decide to get the protection the vaccine offers, we are ready when they are. It’s still exciting to see someone get vaccinated knowing they are fending off the worse possible outcome should they contract the virus.”


Type of Vaccine (Pfizer, Moderna, J & J) will depend on availability. Staff will ask for an insurance card if available, but COVID-19 vaccinations are given at no charge to the recipient.


A reminder to those coming to Winona Health for any reason: The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) has emphasized that its new masking recommendations for people fully vaccinated against COVID-19 do not apply to healthcare settings. This means everyone must continue to wear a mask when coming in to Winona Health, regardless of their vaccination status.


Who is eligible for the vaccine?

  • Anyone who is 12 years old or older. Under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.



  • For walk-in COVID-19 vaccination, come to a check-in desk in any area including the Winona Clinic Pharmacy at Winona Health, 855 Mankato Ave., Winona.



  • Bring an insurance card if available, however, there is no cost to recipients for the COVID-19 vaccine at this time.


  • Wear clothing that allows for quickly exposing the upper arm.


  • When coming to Winona Health for a vaccine, which requires a second dose, a vaccination card is provided that confirms the date and which vaccine was given. A reminder card is also provided indicating the second dose appointment date.


For information about COVID-19 testing and updates including answers to frequently asked questions about the vaccine, visit winonahealth.org.

(Winona Health)


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